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Sean Connery calls in special agents to rescue his PC

05-Jul-2004 • Actor News

Sean Connery faced a hitech problem that even James Bond would have found tough to solve after his computer died on him, reports the Sunday Mail.

The star's personal e-mails and programs disappeared in the blink of a cursor from his laptop.

But the silver surfer refused to be beaten and hired the world's top hackers to break into the unresponsive machine last week.

DriveSavers.com, of California, specialise in recovering the otherwise unrecoverable.

They boast a star client list including Bruce Willis, Sting, Isaac Hayes, Keith Richards and even Homer Simpson.

The cartoon character's bacon was saved when the company recovered scripts for The Simpsons after one of the writer's machines crashed.

Yesterday, Data Recovery engineer John Christopher said: 'We help a lot of celebrities out.

'But as assignments go, there can't be any bigger than working for 007.

'But I'm glad to say that it wasn't Mission: Impossible, and we were successful.'

'It was a laptop computer. The drive had simply stopped working. It just upped and died, taking all its information along with it.'

The Barbados-based actor's computer was dismantled and the data recovered.

Mr Christopher added: 'His problem was actually quite straightforward.

'But it gave us quite a buzz to tell Sir Sean, 'Mission accomplished, sir.' And the grateful Scot sent them a personally signed photo with the message 'Best wishes to DriveSavers and thanks, Sean Connery.'

Thanks to `Thomas` for the alert.

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