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Sir Sean Connery in talks with shadow writer for new autobiography

07-Sep-2004 • Actor News

Author Hunter Davies is in talks with Sir Sean Connery about helping to write the film star’s autobiography, reports the News & Star.

He recently travelled to the James Bond legend’s home in the Bahamas to discuss a book which publishers HarperCollins promise will be more frank than the usual celebrity memoirs.

Davies said: “It’s true that I am in negotiations to write Sean's autobiography and I have seen him several times. But I haven't signed the contract yet, so he could back out and so could I.

“How he became an actor is absolutely fascinating and his career has been amazing. I would be the ghostwriter but not an invisible one.”

Connery, 74, signed a £2m deal with his publishers this summer after previously insisting he would never write an autobiography. He has received about £1m for the British and Commonwealth rights to his story from HarperCollins, while American and European rights will boost that sum to more than £2m. Fans of the actor will look for insights into the Connery’s impressive career which, as well as creating the most memorable James Bond, has included an Oscar for best supporting actor in The Untouchables in 1987.

The book is expected to settle several old scores. Those who have crossed the star in the press, politics and film world have reason to be apprehensive of what the book might reveal.

A long-time supporter and backer of the Scottish National Party, the Edinburgh-born actor now lives in the Bahamas with his second wife, a French painter whom he married in 1975.

Davies, 68, is the top-choice ghostwriter for the stars. His work, Gazza – My Story, kept Bill Clinton’s memoirs off the top of the bestseller lists.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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