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Pinewood Studios doing good business - new facilities being built ready for Bond 21

11-Sep-2004 • Bond News

Having floated on Aim just four months ago, film studio Pinewood Shepperton, home to many of the James Bond films, managed to raise £47m of new funds and is ready to proceed with the construction of an underwater filming stage and an extension to its workshops - reports the Scotsman.

While most of its revenues come from film-stage services - up ten per cent on the previous year, courtesy of a few large productions - television and sound services revenues grew even faster, increasing by 17 per cent to £6m as post-production services were used in such films as Troy and Thunderbirds.

With James Bond, Harry Potter and Batman films all using Pinewood’s facilities, there looks to be plenty of action in store for the studios for some time. Shares are worth tracking at 221p.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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