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Sir Sean Connery attends Holyrood Scottish Parliament ceremony and meets the locals

10-Oct-2004 • Actor News

The Queen hailed the controversial new Scottish Parliament building as a "landmark for 21st Century democracy" yesterday as she officially opened it, reports the Sunday Mirror (UK).

Prominent Scots including James Bond star Sir Sean Connery listened in the spectacular debating chamber, as she said the new complex in Edinburgh had "a difficult and controversial birth" - referring to its original £40million building estimate ballooning to more than £400million.

But she added: "All the more reason to ensure that, with the energy, flair and determination for which Scots are renowned the world over, it comes to be seen as a landmark of 21st Century democracy."

Sir Sean Connery walked amongst the crowds after the march. When quizzed by TV reporters if he would be talking to local people, Connery quipped "I know half of them".

The ceremony at Holyrood followed a spectacular "riding" procession by more than 1,000 people - including VIPs, politicians and ordinary Scots - from Parliament Hall, which housed the pre-Union parliament, and down the crowd-lined Royal Mile.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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