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British couple have historical bonds with 007

13-Oct-2004 • Bond News

When movie fan June Jones went to the 1964 premiere of Goldfinger she had no idea the suave man she saw drive off in James Bond's Aston Martin would one day become her husband - reports icCoventry.

But even more amazingly, it was more than 40 years later that the Dunchurch couple discovered the twist of fate.

June, 66, and husband Ben, 67, contacted the Evening Telegraph after we asked for readers' memories to mark the anniversary of the death of Ian Fleming, the creator of dashing 007.

The couple, of Ferriers Close, Dunchurch, thought there couldn't be many secrets left in their happy marriage, but were staggered when a chat about films uncovered the coincidence.

June recalled how she had gone to see the Bond car when it came to Manchester for the Goldfinger premiere in 1964 - and her husband revealed he had been the handsome driver!

Retired secretary June said: "It was amazing when we realised. I had been there with a boy who was a big James Bond fan so I didn't really take any notice of Ben.

"We actually met about three years later on New Year's Eve so it must have been fate."

But the James Bond coincidences didn't end there for the couple.

Among the crowds who turned out for the premiere and to have a close-up look at the latest Bondmobile was a little boy who Mr Jones helped clamber into the Aston Martin.

Back in 1964 he had no idea that the little lad who told him "I wish I was James Bond" would later become the sophisticated spy who liked his martini "shaken not stirred".

Former Formula Two racing driver Mr Jones said he couldn't believe it when he saw Pierce Brosnan talking in a TV interview about the day he had sat in James Bond's car outside the Odeon cinema in Manchester - and realised the little boy he helped into the car was the famous actor.

The grandfather of two, who used to work for Rugby Borough Council, said: "To me it was just a job - I got paid to pick up cars and didn't really think about it.

"Once when I saw one of the film's promoters he asked me what I used to do. I told him I used to race in Formula 2 for Agrip.

"He then asked me what was on my cheek - it's a three inch scar I got in a crash. He laughed and said they'd been trying to get Sean Connery to have one for the films as in the books Bond is described as having a scar on his right cheek just like mine!"

Thanks to `Mathewww` for the alert.

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