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USA TV - Bond fan Matt Sherman is `Totally Obsessed` on VH1

05-Nov-2004 • Media Alert

On Sunday, 31 October, the American VH1 program "Totally Obsessed" presented a segment about Gainesville, Florida James Bond fan Matt Sherman.

The basis of the program is to provide a look at various people who are obsessed with different hobbies. Sherman said that he views himself as a virtual secret agent in training and considers himself to be a real-life version of James Bond.

He spends a good deal of time in the wooded area near his house practicing survival techniques on his own. He was also filmed practicing evasive procedures such as running and ducking for cover in open spaces. His obsession extends to turning routine family shopping trips into pretend MI6 missions in which his two young children are given assignments to get certain groceries within a specified time.

It was also revealed that Sherman has spent over $10,000 on actual spy equipment that he utilizes to monitor his neighbors. At the the end of the segment, Sherman revealed that he intends to someday play James Bond on the silver screen.

Other segments on fans included a man who has every inch of his body (including genitals) tattooed with images of "The Three Stooges"; another man whose life obsession is buying and consuming bulk quantities of a children's cereal, and another person whose passion is dressing up dead cockroaches as celebrities.

The show is repeated throughout the week, with the next airing on Sunday November 7th 2004. Check your local cable listings.

Thanks to `John` for the alert.

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