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Sir Sean Connery backs campaign for Scottish soldiers in Iraq

06-Nov-2004 • Actor News

Sir Sean Connery has thrown his weight behind a local "Hands Off Our Black Watch" campaign, reports icPerthshire.

Thousands of angry readers in Perthshire have already demonstrated their backing for the local regiment – currently under threat from the government’s controversial defence review despite facing daily attacks from insurgents at their new base near Baghdad.

James Bond superstar Connery, a regular visitor to Perthshire, has also rallied to the cause.

He cares passionately about preserving the Perth-based regiment and, like families with loved ones in Iraq, he is counting down the 30 days until they return.

Proud Scot Connery, who has a Scotland Forever tattoo on his arm, served with The Royal Navy for three years in his youth.

He told the paper: “Like many people in Scotland and Perthshire, I have huge misgivings over the war in Iraq and the dangerous redeployment of The Black Watch.

“The Black Watch and Scotland’s other historic regiments should be retained. They are the finest infantry soldiers in the world.

“It’s totally hypocritical for the government to say The Black Watch are essential to protect the US army but not essential enough to be part of the UK army."

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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