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`Bond, James Bond` among 400 nominees for AFI`s 100 most memorable movie lines vote

19-Nov-2004 • Bond News

The American Film Institute is asking 1,500 Hollywood hotshots, among them actors, screenwriters and critics, to cast ballots for the 100 most memorable movie lines from a list of 400 nominees - and James Bond is among them.

007's famous opening line from 1962's "Dr. No" - "Bond. James Bond" - represents the 40 year old series.

Other contenders range from 1927's first full-length sound film, "The Jazz Singer" — "Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet" — to "My precious," from 2002's "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.", reports the New York Post.

"Great movie quotes become part of our cultural vocabulary," said Jean Picker Firstenberg, the Institute's CEO.

After they round up the usual suspects, "Casablanca" is the movie most represented on the ballot, with seven quotes, including, "Here's looking at you, kid."

Humphrey Bogart, who delivers that immortal line, is the most represented actor, with 10 quotes. Among actresses, Bette Davis, Greta Garbo, Judy Garland and Vivien Leigh tie with four each.

The second-most quoted movie is "The Wizard of Oz," with six classic lines, including "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" and "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!"

The top 100 lines will be announced on a three-hour CBS-TV special "100 Years . . . 100 Movie Quotes: America's Greatest Quips, Comebacks and Catchphrases," set for June.

Thanks to `Ken` for the alert.

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