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Sir Roger Moore pleas for aid appeal for Asia tsunami victims

01-Jan-2005 • Actor News

Sir Roger Moore has added his voice to the international appeal for aid to help the people of Asia - reports ITV (UK).

The former James Bond star is a Unicef Ambassador, and says people should not forget the plight of tsunami victims while they are celebrating the New Year.

He said: "As we celebrate the New Year, it is hard to ignore the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Asia.

"Hundreds of thousands of children are in need. In need of finding their parents, their families. In need of access to clean water. In need of safety. In need of help.

"Unicef needs your support to help these children and make a difference to their lives.

"Your donations to Unicef will help make that difference in the New Year."

To make a donation, click on the website for Unicef.

Thanks to `Kyvan` for the alert.

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