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Julian McMahon talks James Bond despite the rumours dying off

04-Jan-2005 • Casino Royale

Despite enjoying a lot of free press on the back of "is he the next James Bond?" rumours that circulated in the US after Julian McMahon appeared on a magazine cover in a typical 007 pose, the actor is still filling the newspaper columns on the subject.

"Bond is the human Superman," said McMahon to the New York Post. He starts filming the third season of "Nip/Tuck" sometime in the spring. "I don't know any little boy that didn't strap a towel to his neck and try to fly off the deck. And I was certainly one of those kids. And Bond is the more mature, more realistic version of that, though he's still a bit fantastical.

"I grew up watching Bond. Going to see a Bond movie was like seeing 'Star Wars' — you'd go see it six to 10 times. He'd walk into a room with a hundred guys and one lady at the bar. He'd walk up and grab himself a martini and end up beating the crap out of the hundred guys and walk out with the lady. It's like girls and Barbie."

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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