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Craigie shaken and stirred by daughter`s date with Sean Connery

05-Jan-2005 • Actor News

Jill Craigie, the wife of the former Labour leader Michael Foot, was far from impressed when her daughter took Sean Connery home for dinner - reports the The Scotsman.

Ms Craigie thought the then unknown Scots actor was bad- mannered, tough and would not make her daughter happy, according to a new biography.

It was in 1953 that her daughter, Julie Hamilton, 21, invited Connery to her home. Ms Craigie, a film-maker who died in 1999, is reported to have said: "He had very rough manners and great tattoos up his arms. My daughter had terrible trouble with her spine around that time. She had been in hospital for a serious operation and I remember he let her carry heavy suitcases.

"You may judge that I wasn’t altogether taken with him."

Connery and her daughter lived together for a while but broke up when he fell for a co-star in a musical.

In the biography, Arise Sir Sean Connery, by John Parker, to be published later this month, Ms Craigie is quoted as saying: "Julie was ... sure he would become a big star. But personally I had my doubts and, frankly, I did not fancy him as a son-in-law."

Thanks to `Ken` for the alert.

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