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Crook jailed after failed robbery with toy 007 Walther PPK gun

12-Jan-2005 • Bond News

CONVICTED armed robber who used a toy James Bond gun to hold up a chemist's has been jailed for nine years - reports icLondon.

Clinton Sproul, 44, threatened terrified staff with the fake Walther PPK, which had 007 printed along the barrel.

But brave trainee pharmacist Michael Twemeboa-Koduali punched the toy weapon out of the crook's hand during the raid.

In the struggle, Sproul left the gun at the scene along with a bag containing £250.

Police found traces of his DNA on the trigger and arrested him.

The career criminal narrowly escaped a life sentence after a judge was told this was his third armed robbery. Inner London Crown Court heard Sproul marched into the Pharmacy in Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, on May 2, 2003 and pulled out the fake Walther pistol.

Wearing black-rim, fake glasses and a long orange reflector jacket, he pointed the barrel at Mr Twemeboa-Koduali.

He threatened to shoot the rookie chemist if he didn't hand over valium and cash from the till.

As the money was being placed in a black carrier bag, he turned the weapon on store manager Arundhati Patel and ordered her to open the perfume counter.

She refused so Sproul used the gun to smash open the display counter, cutting his hand.

"At that point, Mr Twemeboa-Koduali punched the gun from the defendant's hand and quickly ran around the counter to confront him," said James Lofthouse, prosecuting.

"A violent struggle ensued and various items were discarded by the defendant, including the money bag containing £250."

Sproul then ran off towards Bermondsey Tube station.

He was arrested on January 23 last year at Tower Bridge Magistrates' Court, when he was being dealt with for a burglary.

Despite CCTV footage and the DNA evidence, Sproul denied carrying out the raid.

But a jury convicted him of robbery and possessing an imitation firearm after a trial in November and he was sentenced to nine years in prison on Thursday.

His address was given in court as Amberly Road, in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

Thanks to `Goldeneye` for the alert.

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