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L.A. Spy School teaches James Bond skills

16-Mar-2005 • Bond News

Whoever gets the job of James Bond has got a work out ahead of him. All that hand-to-hand combat, chasing adversaries, and ... well ... the Bond girls. All that exercise would have its effect on a body - reports SingleShot.

And that's just what the trainers at Absolution L.A. had in mind when they put together their SpySchool workshops. You want to look like Bond? Then train like Bond.

SpySchool courses range from the truly Bond-like (climbing and rappelling outdoors, advanced fighting techniques and strikes, fighting blindfolded, in enclosed spaces like elevators; to the more generally fitness oriented (Pilates sessions), to more-chick-flick-than-Bond-flick (belly dancing, facials and salon appointments).

Because prices at the SpySchool run into the four figures (up to $1,800), you might want to follow Bond's example and make sure that your surreptitious activities are financed by her Majesty's Secret Service.

Absolution is located at 8535 Santa Monica Boulevard. For more information about SpySchool call 310-657-7878

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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