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Website offers $100 James Bond Photoshop contest

03-May-2005 • Bond News

Cinematical think "y'all have your ideas as to who will/should take over as James Bond - so hack together a JPEG of your pick, Photoshop 'em into the suit/the stance/the whatever-it-takes to convince us that you've found the next 007, add a caption, and send 'em in. The winning image will score $100!"

The Rules:

Only famous (or semi-famous, or at least infamous) prospective Bonds are allowed - we don't want to hear about how great your boyfriend or your neighbor or your cat would be in the role. Sorry.

Entries will be judged on originality, outlandishness, and general laugh-out-loud funniness. Actual compositing skill is pretty much irrelevant. In fact, it might hurt you.
Images should be smallish, no bigger that 350 pixels wide, and formatted as JPEGs.

Email your image to cinematical@gmail.com, or post a link to your image in the comments to this post.

All entries must be received by Friday, May 6, at 6pm EST. Winners will be announced on Monday morning.

Thanks to `Kyvan` for the alert.

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