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SNP claim they are saving Sir Sean Connery for 2007 parliament poll

09-May-2005 • Actor News

The SNP have claimed Scots star Sir Sean Connery was kept out of the limelight during the General Election campaign to keep him fresh for their bid to take over Holyrood in 2007 - reports the Sunday Mail.

Party leader Alex Salmond has admitted he could have boosted the Nats' profile by asking the star to speak out in their favour - but claimed it would have made him a less potent campaign tool in two years.

Salmond said: 'Sean is always a boost for us in terms of getting publicity in the network news. But I think he'll be much more effective deployed for us at the Scottish Parliament electionsConnery has always been an active supporter of the SNP and even recorded a pro-Nats message, which was played to thousands of Scots over the phone.

Salmond said: 'His voice was very effective in getting us hundreds of new members.

'If we'd flown him in to help in the last few days of the campaign, he'd have been very helpful and got us loads of publicity.

'But if you have a trump card you have to play it very carefully and not overuse it.'

Some senior SNP members were stunned by Connery's low profile and believe his support would have won them more than six seatsOne said: 'We should go for maximum votes in every election, so Alex is spinning a pretty elaborate line that he is holding Connery back for next time.'

Despite his party slipping into third place behind the Liberals with under 18 per cent of the vote on Thursday, Salmond is confident the Nats will win the next Scottish elections.

Labour politicians have described the SNP slump in votes on Thursday as a 'disaster'.

But Salmond insisted winning six seats was a major achievement.

He is encouraged by a poll last week on Scottish Parliament voting intention that put the SNP on 31 per cent against Labour's 27.

He said: 'My party is ecstatic. Six months ago, there were a lot of people in the party that thought we were heading for a wipe-out.

'I think we are now set to win the Scottish elections

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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