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Sir Roger Moore teams up with Elton John at Houston fundraiser

21-May-2005 • Actor News

Roger Moore was the emcee for the Houston Grand Opera's 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Gala in Houston, TX on 30 April 2005 - reports The Cleveland Advocate.

Roger Moore (former James Bond 007) served as emcee for the night's continual parade of internationally known opera singers from around the world. One after the other took the stage. Their combined performance lasted for over two hours - and then the stage went dark.

When the curtain drew back again, all that was visible on the stage was a black Yamaha Grand piano with brilliant spotlights focused on the keyboard. Then Sir Elton shuffled on stage, sat down and launched into `Bennie and the Jets.`

Elton John followed that with an extended version of `Rocket Man`, both songs performed only with Sir Elton`s distinctive voice and virtuoso piano playing. The choir and orchestra joined in for the final number of `Your Song.`

A dinner and fundraiser was held after the show to raise money for the Opera. Tickets had been sold for as much as $10,000 each for the gala. Giveaway vacation packages, jewelry and a trip to Las Vegas to see Elton`s upcoming show `The Red Piano` had been advertised as being part of this fundraiser.

Celebrities and business executives from around the world were part of the crowd that numbered over 700 at the dinner and dance, held in the foyer of the Wortham. The Richard Brown Orchestra played throughout the night. It is reported that Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Fergie were all in attendance at this function.

The celebration included an auction and, to everyone's surprise, Elton John himself got up from his table and helped with the auction.

All totaled, the event raised over $2.5 million for the city's cultural arts program. This was largely due to the fact that everyone involved in the stage production — the stage hands, the musicians, the big-name stars — donated his or her time - reports The Houston Chronicle.

The dapper Moore, who served as the evening's master of ceremonies, and his wife, Kristina, dined with $100,000 underwriters Paige and Tilman Fertitta. Throughout the night, 007 fans — including soprano Laura Claycomb — asked for his autograph.

The grand finale came at the close of the live auction when a burst of dazzling indoor fireworks washed the Grand Foyer in sparkling light, a stirring surprise followed by a dramatic, gentle shower of silvery confetti that floated down over the crowd.

Thanks to `Kyvan` for the alert.

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