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Former Bond girl Jane Seymour to go topless in new movie

23-Jun-2005 • Actor News

Jane Seymour, now at the ripe old age of 54, has dared to go topless on screen for the first time.

Former James Bond girl Jane, who played Solitaire in the 1973 film "Live And Let Die", decided on the daring comeback to appeal to a new generation of fans but she was "anxious" about baring all for the new comedy movie Wedding Crashers, in which Hollywood hunk Owen Wilson rips off her bra and fondles her - reports The Daily Telegraph.

"I have never done anything quite like this and it seemed a little insane to be doing it now that I'm in my 50s," she said.

"But I wanted to appeal to this generation. The script was the funniest thing I'd ever read. I thought the topless scene in particular was the funniest moment in the whole movie. Despite my anxiety I recognised this to be a great role."

Producers confirmed Jane beat off scores of other "older" actresses, including Raquel Welch, to win the part of a seductress who tries to make love to a boy young enough to be her son.

She said: "I had to do something I hadn't done for 30 years, which was audition".

The actress was worried about the reaction of her children, including eight-year-old twin boys with her husband of 12 years, director James Keach.

"My eldest daughter Katie is 23 and picky about what I do.

"But she's seen the film and loves it. She really appreciated that I did something completely different and was brave enough to do it.

"I've always been offered the same kind of roles, so this was fun and different."

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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