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Hong Kong official thought James Bond films were porn

01-Jul-2005 • Bond News

When Hong Kong's new No. 2 leader was a schoolboy, he wasn't a big James Bond fan. In fact, he thought 007 films were "pornographic."

An essay written by Rafael Hui -- who on Thursday was named chief secretary for administration -- criticized the British spy's indulgence in casual sex.

"Whichever way one looks at them, the Bond films are pornographic," Hui wrote in the essay during the 1960s for a school publication at Queen's College, one of Hong Kong's top high schools - reports Newsday.

"The audience titters ... but one might pause to question the standpoint which finds illicit sex without love or responsibility amusing," Hui wrote in the essay, reprinted on the front page of Thursday's Ming Pao Daily News, a mass-market paper.

In his new job, Hui will be responsible for overseeing the government's daily affairs. He joined the government in 1970 and earned a master's in public administration at Harvard University in 1983.

Hui served as secretary for financial services before leaving government in 2000. Recently, he has been a consultant for real-estate firm Sun Hung Kai Properties.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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