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Dame Shirley Bassey says she is sick of singing Goldfinger

07-Jul-2005 • Bond News

Dame Shirley Bassey has revealed that she hates singing one of her signature hits and voiced her dismay at modern celebrities - reports icWales.

The Cardiff-born diva claims she:
Can't stand singing Goldfinger;
Hits out at loyal fans who turn up to watch her every night;
Is unimpressed with the over-the-top demands of singers like Mariah Carey;
Is appalled by talentless people on TV;
Has no time for Charlotte Church's tabloid image

Dame Shirley moans that she is "sick" of constantly performing her old standards night after night, particularly the rousing Goldfinger from the James Bond film of the same name.

"I get sick of singing Goldfinger night after night," she said. "Gah! It was a hit in 1963 after all." (1964 actually!)

Dame Shirley, who has spent more time in the UK charts than any other female artist, is famous the world over for being the star who defined "diva" behaviour But she has lambasted singers like Mariah Carey who, she claims, have cheapened the image of a high-maintenance performer. "(Mariah) gets her dressing room repainted. I would never do that. What proper singer would? The fumes - I am allergic to paint fumes anyway. All that fuss is a waste of energy you could use on stage."

"Showbusiness has gone," she said. "Gone! People just want to get on reality shows and make money today. They don't care about talent. Anyone gets on television - fat people, tall people, skinny people, people in wheelchairs. Someone else makes millions out of them and their lives are ruined forever. I hate it, I really hate it."

Speaking in The Daily Telegraph, the tax exile who has lived in Monte Carlo for the past 15 years, hinted that there's no real possibility of her returning home to Wales. Today she remains largely distant from her Cardiff family, although she appears close to her daughter Sharon.

"I like the idea of walking home from a party at 3am in the morning with all my jewels on and not be afraid that I am going to get mugged. I like to be able to drive around in my little turquoise Mini with the doors unlocked." She added, "I am more at peace with myself, I have grown up. There is nothing feeble about me."

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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