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Pierce Brosnan admits he is a bumbling driver

29-Oct-2002 • Bond News

ITV have scooped an admission from Pierce Brosnan - he is a bumbling driver:

"I`m perceived as this sophisticated, debonair, distant person, this macho guy - and I`m not like that," he said.

"Following me around for a day in my life would be quite comedic. I got a Porsche recently on loan - a convertible with gear stick. I stopped to buy some chewing gum and a paper at the news-stand.

"I`d just said hello to some tourists who think I`m James Bond and I`m trying to be cool and start the car - and I stall it."

And on a recent visit to a top showbusiness agent with his wife Keely Shaye Smith he almost crashed.

"I`m driving the Mercedes and we`re talking away as we approach the gate, I take my foot off the brake and Keely goes `brake, brake!` - she just yanked the emergency brake. We stopped an inch from the gate."

By `emergency brake` we must assume Q-Branch didn`t brief him on the term hand-brake!

Thanks to Umpire for the alert.

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