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VW names vehicle marketing team after Moonraker novel

09-Aug-2005 • Bond News

The AIADA newsletter reported that Volkswagen’s Moonraker’ group, a group of VW employees named after the famous 1955 James Bond novel, is traveling all over the United States in search of marketing insights that can help improve their business.

According to Automotive News, the group consists of 22 Germans, who arrived in the States this past April, and one American. VW says the group’s goal is to “draw up a vehicle and business concept for the American Market that would boost volume, earnings, and brand reputation.”

The Moonrakers are based in Malibu, Calif., and will be there through May 2006, studying U.S. trends and consumer tastes as well as looking at successful companies such as Apple, Nike, Starbucks, and 3M. In other VW news, the company announced Friday the departure of personnel boss Peter Hartz, The Associated Press reports.

VW’s board on Thursday accepted Hartz’s resignation, which he tendered last month amid an alleged expense account scandal at the company. Although Hartz has not been tied to any misdoings, VW said he had assumed "political responsibility for irregularities in his area of responsibility" with his resignation. Company CEO Bernd Pischetsrieder will assume Hartz’s day-to-day duties until a permanent replacement is found.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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