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`Dr No` and `From Russia With Love` assistant director flees trial

17-Sep-2005 • Bond News

An international manhunt has begun for a Hollywood film director who disappeared in the middle of his child sex abuse trial.

David Anderson, 64, whose credits include the James Bond film Dr No, and Oscar-winning drama The Deer Hunter, was found guilty of a string of offences - reports ITN.

Anderson was uncredited for his role as 2nd Assistant Director on 1962's "Dr No", but was credited as the lead Assistant Director in "From Russia With Love" the following year.

The judge at Gloucester Crown Court heard how police raided his home in May last year, finding videos of him having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

He had claimed he was screen-testing for a pornographic film for the Japanese market.

During the trial, the director said he was ill after failing to appear at court the next day.

But proceedings continued in his absence and he was found guilty of 11 charges of indecency and indecent assault with a 13-year-old girl and a 19-year-old woman.

Gloucestershire Police said he had previously admitted two charges of making indecent images of a child.

Detective Constable Jill Leeder, who led the investigation, said Anderson's father and brother lived in Canada, and police believe he may have fled abroad.

She said: "Anderson had denied five charges of indecently assaulting a 13-year-old girl, four charges of indecency with the same girl and one of attempted indecency with her.

"He also denied indecent assault on a 19-year-old female but admitted to two charges of making indecent images of a child.

"Clearly these were serious offences and it gives us some satisfaction to know that our investigation ended in a conviction, not least for the young victims who have suffered enormously because of his actions.

"We hope that the outcome of the case will lead other victims of similar offences to put their faith in the police and come forward to report incidents.

"We also need to find Anderson now to ensure he faces the court to be sentenced and that he serves that sentence, whatever it may be."

The judge warned that Anderson could now face a longer term in prison when he is caught.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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