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Daniel Craig answers questions on the James Bond role

15-Nov-2005 • Actor News

Daniel Craig talks with ‘Today’ show host Katie Couric about filling the famous film spy's shoes - reports MSNBC.

37-year-old Daniel Craig isn't a complete unknown. He's appeared with big-name stars like Tom Hanks and Paul Newman, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie. But despite his lengthy resume, he's not exactly a household name.

For the past six weeks, he's been an Englishman in D.C., while shooting an upcoming movie, “The Visiting,” which is loosely based on the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”

Katie Couric: A lot of Americans don't know all that much about you. So, I thought I'd ask you a few questions — kind of a little bio.

Daniel Craig: Alright.

Couric: Yeah. Alright. Where were you born?

Craig: I was born in Chester, which is north-northwest of England.

Couric: You've been acting for a long time. So far, what is the favorite — your favorite movie, in terms of what you've been in?

Craig: That's a tough one. Because I've got a few. I mean, I've got a list of them that I've enjoyed.

Couric: Not “Tomb Raider?” You wouldn't say that was your personal favorite?

Craig: Thanks. Thanks, so much. [Laughter] This is going so well. [Laughter]

Couric: What is your favorite thing to do when you have a day off?

Craig: Nothing.

Couric: Nothing?

Craig: Mmm-hmmm.

Couric: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Craig: Wow. God — these questions.

Couric: I know, I'm sorry.

Craig: Vanilla.

Couric: Really?

Craig: Uh-huh

Couric: Oh come on. What's your second favorite?

Craig: Pistachio.

Couric: Okay. That's a little more interesting, frankly.

Couric: How did the whole Bond thing unfold? There was so much mystery and intrigue about “who would be the next bond?” Can you give me a little bit of the — the back story?

Craig: There's none really. I mean, it's a simple situation where I was approached to — sort of, do it, and — I thought about it for a long time, and they thought about it. And lo and behold, here we are.

Couric: Is it a bit nerve-racking? I mean — I know you've been asked, ad nauseum about stepping into the shoes of — of those who have gone before you. But is it nerve-wracking to play a role that was done so —

Craig: Do you want the truth?

Couric: Yeah.

Craig: I'm trying not to think about it.

Couric: Really?

Craig: Yeah.

Couric: So, I guess the answer would be “yes.”

Craig: Well, I'm just trying to approach it like anything else I've done. And just — I mean, the thing to do is just not get it wrong.

Couric: Are you excited though?

Craig: I am very incredibly excited. Yes. Yes. I mean, I just — but I just want to get on with it. Just get on with the job.

Thanks to `Kyvan` for the alert.

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