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Sir Roger Moore hits back at Gordon Ramsay over foie gras campaign criticism

24-Nov-2005 • Actor News

Sir Roger Moore has hit back at criticism from celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, who accused him of double standards over his campaign to put an end to cruel animal practices in the production of foie gras.

Commenting on the campaign last week, Ramsay said, "I think it's a bit two-faced of old Roger. At the height of his fame he had no scruples about swanning round top restaurants eating fancy food, and now he's telling us we all have to be goody two-shoes. No thanks, Roger. It's not on."

Sir Roger has now written an open letter back to Ramsay explaining his logic.

Dear Gordon

I thought I should drop you a line after our names hitting the headlines over the 'Foie Gras Furore' as it has been dubbed.

Indeed I did swan around fancy restaurants at the height of my fame, as you say, and still do to this day in fact and rather enjoy it. However, the point I was trying to make was that it was in total ignorance that I used to eat foie gras.

Once I was made aware of the process involved and treatment of the poor birds, I felt physically sick, just as I felt when I saw a photograph of a lung infected with cancer 35 years ago. I gave up smoking cigarettes immediately and haven't smoked one since. Now I don't think I could ever knowingly eat foie gras again either.

I don't believe I am a hypocrite, rather a concerned person where the ethical treatment of animals is involved.

Kind regards
Roger Moore

Thanks to `Will` for the alert.

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