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Halle Berry waxes lyrical about working with Pierce Brosnan

12-Dec-2005 • Actor News

The girl with the mostest is definitely what mega film star Halle Berry is - reports Canyon News. She has proven to the motion picture industry that she has what it takes to be considered box-office. She is a woman on the move – a woman of dreams, but admittedly a woman who wants what other women desire in this fast passed, hectic world, just basic happiness. “I’m a woman,” she said, “who has been extremely lucky at every turn. Frankly, I don’t know why all of this good fortune landed on my doorstep, but I’m not going to pretend it’s not there. I want to make the most of it at every chance I get.”

Halle is a woman who doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge that she has made some bad choices in her selection of men in her life – however, she says that she has learned so much from all of her experiences. “I realize,” she said, “that everybody has their own agenda – possibly, the way the world is so frantic for recognition, for material things have made many people nuts in the head. They have forgotten how important it is to be real, honest and sensitive to the feelings of others. The only thing they think about is possessions, image and how others perceive them. And this is so sad – because these people are living in a cage that only allows so much light to come through. They do not exist in a real or true world – yeah, it’s make believe.”

Receiving an Oscar was a gift that she never expected, but she noted that receiving it was the biggest surprise of her career. “You know,” she said, “you grow up wishing so much – things that simply appear in motion pictures – I use to dream that I would one day dance with Fred Astaire or lucky enough to share a heavy scene with Steve McQueen or facing off with Shirley McClaine. Then I thought I would be the happiest girl in the world. But I found the more successful I became in my career, it also brought into my life people or men who only saw me as an image, a woman that I really wasn’t. When this became very clear to them, it was the beginning of the end to our relationship. Listen, my family is hard working, clearly straight talking people who don’t stand for nonsense. Those are the type of people I come from – just people who don’t mind taking chances, working hard and always staying grounded.”

As far as Halle is concerned, Pierce Brosnan is one of the most interesting and talented actors she has worked with so far. “I like Pierce,” she noted, “because he respects other actors so much. He doesn’t attempt to overshadow you – it’s like a dance with him when doing a scene. He goes with your movements, your emotions, and you can see and feel his thoughts. Pierce is truly an actor’s actor. In every scene I did with him in the James Bond film we did together was one of learning and excitement. I would feel fortunate to work with him again.”

What doesn’t she like about Hollywood? “You know,” she began, “it is so easy to draw up a list, and possibly it would have all the things that everybody would list, but for me, I just don’t like the phoniness and the way people feel that that if you sleep with the right person, it might be a chance for the big time. And that ain’t true – you’ve got to play it straight as possible, otherwise you will be considered just a cheap piece of ass who has no character. I know all about the temptation you’re faced with in this game of accessing the golden prize Hollywood offers to millions of young dreamers who are ready to sell not only their bottoms but their souls as well. You’ve got to be made of strong stuff to survive and where you came from and how you were brought up means a helluva lot. Unfortunately, there isn’t that many people who are able to stand up to the test. Fortunately, I have, even though I’ve made some not so wise decisions. The important thing is to realize where and when you’ve gone wrong and do something about it.”

What would Halle enjoy in the future? “Well,” she laughed, “I’d like to do a Broadway play, something I can get my teeth into. I’d love to play a role that would mean I am not only a loving person, but a bitch, as well. Even though I’m small in stature, I’m also a tough lady when I have to be. I’d like all sides of who I am to be exercised on the state. Of course, it’s only a dream, but it’s my right to have dreams like anybody else, don’t you think?”

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