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James Bond name used to sell condoms in China

17-Feb-2006 • Bond News

Global rubber products group Ansell has turned to one of the world's can-do men in its quest to crack the Chinese condom market — James Bond 007.

Ansell has paid $US18 million ($A24.7 million) for a 75 per cent stake in condom distributor Jissbon (Wuhan) Sanitary Products, and has an option over the rest - reports The Age. Jissbon is a Chinese translation of James Bond, Ansell chief executive Doug Tough said yesterday.

Apart from revealing Ansell's assault on the Chinese market, Mr Tough also reported another strong result and dividend for the former Pacific Dunlop, although the bottom line was hurt by a one-off item and currency moves.

Mr Tough said Jissbon had grown rapidly since it was founded eight years ago, and now held 10 per cent of the Chinese market. Ansell is a major supplier to Jissbon.

It was planned to introduce Ansell's Lifestyles brand at the top of the product range and this was expected to increase sales, Mr Tough said.

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