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Halle Berry accepts Pudding prize

20-Feb-2006 • Actor News

Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry had to promise she would not make a follow-up to Catwoman before receiving an award from US students - reports the BBC

Berry had to write "I will not make Catwoman II" four times on a blackboard before she was given the Hasty Pudding award from Harvard University.

The Massachusetts ceremony saw Berry receive a brass pudding pot from America's oldest college drama troupe.

"It's going to go right next to my Oscar," she said.

The festivities started with Berry being driven through Harvard Square flanked by two male students in drag.

Later she shook her hips in a "dance competition" to prove her superpower skills, and danced with a student dressed as a poodle dubbed "Dogman".

Her performance in Catwoman, a critical flop, earned her the worst actress award at last year's Razzies, the spoof Oscars ceremony which pokes fun at Hollywood's worst.

Berry also acted out scenes from Monster's Ball, for which she won an Oscar in 2002.

The Hasty Pudding awards are given to performers who have made a "lasting and impressive contribution to the world of entertainment".

Berry won the woman of the year award, while Richard Gere will receive his man of the year prize on 24 February.

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