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Classic James Bond sounds for sale

26-Apr-2006 • Bond News

The crunch of a burglar's boots on gravel, the sound of a jemmy forcing a window, the squeal of the getaway car's tyres - sounds can tell a story, and this week some of the most eloquent noises in cinema are to be sold - reports NZ Herald.

They are contained in a collection of sound effects used in some of the most famous British films of the past half-century, including the lapping of the waves as Ursula Andress emerges in her bikini in Dr No, and the sound of a van being blown up in The Italian Job. There are four million of them - making it the largest archive of movie sounds in Britain.

With the sale at auction just days away, wealthy film buffs are clamouring to get their hands on the Cinesound SFX library.

The reel-to-reel recordings were compiled over decades for studios such as Shepperton, Elstree and Pinewood. They are expected to sell for £50,000 ($140,000) at tomorrow's sale.

The archive includes the chanting of English football fans during the 1966 World Cup final and sound effects from epic films such as Gandhi, The Odessa File, The Killing Fields and Lawrence of Arabia. There are also noises associated with classic moments in cinema, such as the abortive test explosion in The Italian Job, before Michael Caine declares: "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off."

The archive is being sold by a private individual described as "an elderly film buff". It was rendered obsolete for commercial use by digital technology.

The collection will have to be listened to at home because of copyright that prevents them from being played commercially.

Thanks to `nnif` for the alert.

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