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James Bond is irresponsible in the bedroom say researchers

17-May-2006 • Bond News

The behaviour of James Bond in the bedroom is irresponsible, according to researchers who are concerned about the influence on movie audiences - reports Seven.

While most people leave their brain at the door when they relax in front of a movie, others are concerned that the behaviour of our favourite characters are having a bad influence on audiences.

In a study examining the effects of movies on teenagers, researchers found Hollywood may be a health hazard to impressionable teenagers.

Singled out for criticism was James Bond, for glamorising unsafe sex. Think about it, throughout 4 decades of whipping out every type of gadget, have you ever seen 007 whip out a condom?

In all the films the researchers analysed, they found only one - Pretty Woman, a romance between a millionaire and a prostitute - was the only one to broach the subject of safe sex.

Led by pediatrician Hasantha Gunasukera, scientists analysed nearly 90 of the most popular films of the last 20 years.

They found 8 per cent of the blockbusters included scenes of cannabis use, 7 per cent contained illicit drug use, 32 per cent depicted alcohol intoxication and 68 per cent of actors smoked tobacco.

The study also showed that stars lighting up the screen - or rather, lighting up on screen - may have a troubling effect on children.

Research suggests teens are three times more likely to try tobacco if they regularly watch stars smoking on screen.

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