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IMDB opens `Bond 22` section with glut of errors

23-Jul-2006 • Bond News

The Internet Movie DataBase (IMDC) have opened their Bond 22 page for business, and as is now increasingly the case, it contains some glaring errors.

Despite an official press release from Eon Productions clearly stating the release date of the 22nd James Bond film as May 2nd, IMDB just has "2008" specified. Furthermore, Daniel Craig was confirmed officially to play 007 for a second time, but he is missing from the IMDB cast list.

To further confuse their readership, IMDB have listed Roger Michell as director, even though he has only been rumoured to be in negotiations at this point.

Stay tuned to MI6 for the latest Bond 22 coverage.

Thanks to `JCRendle` for the alert.

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