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Former Bond villainess Grace Jones in hot water over trashed apartment

18-Aug-2006 • Actor News

Grace Jones has trashed her swanky London apartment and disappeared without paying the rent - reports FemaleFirst.

Lawyers acting for the landlords of the former James Bond villain are now trying to track her down to demand payment of the £6,000 owing on the rent, as well as damage costs.

Among the wrecked items are burnt spoons, seemingly blackened from having a flame held under them.

The 80s star - famous for her tantrums, which include slapping a US chat show host - also damaged décor, curtains, bedding, a gas hob and a coffee table before leaving the £1.5 million pad in February.

Owners of the £40,000-a-year apartment want £168 to replace the spoons alone.

The legal writ that has been issued states that Jones: "Failed to deliver the property in a tenable state. Many of the fixtures and fittings were either missing, broken or rendered unusable as a result of being impregnated with cigarette smoke.

"The claimants incurred further costs in having their locks changed because the defendant failed to return the keys

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