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Time to say never say never, as Sir Sean Connery pulls out of another autobiography

22-Aug-2006 • Actor News

Publishers beware - Sir Sean Connery has pulled the plug on another autobiography.

Back in 2004 he was tempted to break a promise never to write about himself and signed up to a book of his memoirs, then he reportedly fired the ghost writer, hired another, then pulled out completely and returned the £2 million advance due to privacy concerns... and recently announced he would have another shot at another autobiography.

Well maybe it is time to say "never say never", as Connery has pulled the plug again.

According to WENN, Connery has abandoned plans to write an autobiography, because it would be impossible to right all the wrongs already written about him.

A memoir of the former James Bond actor had been lined up for some time, until the actor discovered the amount of lies that have made it into print.

He tells Empire magazine, "The autobiography was something that I thought about. But the problem was that I discovered there were ten books about me and that I was going to have to spend the rest of my life trying to correct ten books of inaccuracies.

"And frankly it wasn't worth it, so I withdrew."

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