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Sir Roger Moore honoured with commemorative plaque at Elstree Studios

15-Sep-2006 • Actor News

Sir Roger Moore is due to visit Elstree Studios in October to be the recipient of one of the town council's commemorative plaques recognising the six years he spent at the studio in the 1960s starring in the hugely successful television series The Saint.

In the show his character, Simon Templar, drove a white Volvo. Originally the producer had asked Jaguar if they could use an E Type Jaguar, which would have been free world wide publicity, but it declined.

Incidentally, the Borehamwood and Elstree Times would be interested to hear from anyone who was a crew member at Elstree on The Saint series. They hope to have some of Roger's former colleagues at the unveiling so it will almost become the first - and who knows perhaps the last - Saint reunion at the studio.

Apparently Roger is looking forward to the town council tribute and was keen that the plaque wording concentrated on his work here, which was The Saint series and the feature films The Man Who Haunted Himself and Crossplot.

Although he came to ATV to guest star on The Muppets in the late 1970s, it is 35 years since Sir Roger has been back home to Elstree Studios. Nowadays he lives in Switzerland but spends much of his time travelling the world as an ambassador for UNICEF.

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