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New chief for MI5 organisation

20-Jan-2007 • Bond News

The spy who has led Britain's fight against al-Qaeda terrorists is to become head of MI5 - similar to the job held by fictional "M" in the James Bond films - reports the Mirror.

Jonathan Evans will replace Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller who retires as director general of the security service next April.

He is currently her deputy in charge of counter-terrorism, overseeing efforts to combat up to 30 major al-Qaeda terror plots in Britain.

Ministers are said to hold the "career spy" in high regard. and Whitehall mandarins are expected to announce his appointment shortly.

A senior source said: "He's a good communicator and has a great grasp of detail."

Evans served as head of G branch - MI5's international terrorism section.

Ministers denied Dame Eliza's departure was due to MI5's failure to prevent the July 7, 2005 bombings in London which killed 52.

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