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A million tourists expected in Montenegro thanks to James Bond

12-Feb-2007 • Bond News

If it is to judge by the prognosis of the tourist employees the year 2007 will be a real tourist boom for Montenegro, and it is expected that the dream of the tourist employees will come true, that is, that the visit will surpass the “magical million” of guests. In the Ministry of tourism they are estimating that this year 1, 1 million of tourists will come, which is more than 10% than it was the case last year - reports Visit Montenegro.

According to the circumstances, led by the adventures of the actual James Bond, Montenegro this summer will be the most intriguing, undiscovered destination. According to the words of the of the PR of the Ministry of tourism Jelena Paovic it is estimated that in the year 2007 Montenegro will be visited by a half a million of foreign guests, which is for ¼ more than in the last year, and they will have about 3 millions of overnight stays.

-The main goal of the development of tourism in the year 2007 is sustainable and diverse tourist product which enables the growth of the number of tourists, expenditure per day and per guest, and opening of the new working places during the season. They are planning the income of about 350 millions of euros, which is about 17% more than last year. For comparison, total income from the tourism in the year 2006 was 322, 3 millions of euros, which is 23, 5% more than the year before. This year, also, we are expecting the increase of the number of employees in tourism on about 15.000 which is the increase of 7% compared to the previous year – said Paovic.

She added that the basic activities will be directed to the development and promotion of complementary aspects of tourism with the goal of prolonging of the season and full usage of the capacities during 150 days.

They are expecting the arrival of about 600.000 domestic guests in which we still include tourists from Vojvodina, Serbia, and Kosovo, which is on the level of the previous year. Namely, according to the official statistics Montenegro during the year 2006 was visited by 952.000 guests, 15% more than a year before. From the total number, 382.000 were foreign guests, which is 40% more than the previous year. As for the structure of foreign guests, half of the total number of them came from the countries which are members of EU, 13% from other European and non European countries, 19% foreigners were from ex Yu areas, while 18% came from Russian market and the market of the former members of SSSR. Statistically, most numerous guests were from Russia, who were registered during the last year in number of 60.196. They had more than 80% overnight stays than it was the case a year before. Russians came to Montenegro not just for pleasure and rest, but also because of business duties, and many of them which are not listed in the statistic data became the citizens of Montenegro, and for a longer time they have been living in apartments or houses which they bought on the coast. Traditionally faithful to Montenegrin coast are by all means tourists from BiH, who were here during the last year in the number of 54.747, and who had ¼ more overnight stays that in the year 2005. even though their country is considered to be a to destination in the world, Croats like to spend their vacation in Montenegro, so during the last year there were about 11.000 Croats registered, or 60% more than in 2005. In difference to the previous years, Macedonians last year came in smaller number, so there were about 14.320 Macedonians registered, or 15% less then a year before, while Slovenian tourists came in number of 17.310 or for 325 more. Most numerous among tourist from the countries from EU were Czechs who came in number of 28.634, and who made 7% more overnight stays than in the previous summer.

What is expected as one of the biggest successes of Montenegro on some market of the EU countries, is the arrival from the Austrian market where solely based on the contract with the Alliance of the pensioners of that country already in the preseason of 2007, 10.00 guests will come, which is twice as much that there were in the entire 2006. Last year they marked a mass arrival of guests from the market of Germany which were registered in number of 20.088, and who made 6% more overnight stays than a year before. French were not far behind, 17.6626 which is 60% more, while the guests from Italy came in number of 16.251, and they made 1/3 more overnight stays then in 2005. Tourist employees were surely happy because of the fact that guests from Great Britain again recognized Montenegro as a place for vacation, and about that testifies the official record that in the year 2006 there were 12.822 guests from Britain, and they had 62% more overnight stays than a year before. A real boom during the last year happened on the market of Albania from which 23.842 guests were registered, and who had two times more overnight satys that the year before.

Interesting are data that there were 4.111 guests from Sweeden, 6.359 guests from Poland, 5.072 Norwegians, 8.709 Hungarians, 4.251 Irishmen, 3.175 Dutch, 2.361 Fins, 1.208 Danish and all of them together had significantly greater number of overnight stays that a year before.

As for the across the ocean countries, Montenegro was visited by 5.783 tourists from USA, 80% more than a year before, 880 of guests came from Australia, and 183 from New Zeeland as well as 565 from Japan.

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