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Daniel Craig talks about the need to work on independent films

26-Feb-2007 • Actor News

At the Spirit Awards in support of Infamous, Daniel Craig chatted briefly about that film while on the 'blue' carpet set up on a beach in Santa Monica to About.com

Why is it important for you to continue to do independent films in addition to big feature films like Casino Royale?
“I mean, for me it’s crucially important.

It’s kind of like it’s where you get… Independent movies are what shore up the film industry. It’s where people get their experience as well. It’s what I’ve done; it’s what I’ve been doing for all of my career. It’s where I learned my trade."

Why are the Spirit Awards so important?
“It’s good to have a celebration day. I mean, it really is. It’s important because everybody works so hard and usually for very little money, so it’s good to have a day where we kind of recognize it.”

Does being Bond help sell Infamous?
“I don’t know. I hope so (laughing).”

What did it mean to be nominated for Best Supporting Male?
“It means a tremendous amount to me. I’m very proud of the movie we did and hopefully we can share it about a bit with everybody who was involved in it.”

What’s the most rewarding thing about being involved in an independent film rather than a big action movie?
“I don’t know. I like working so I don’t really make that comparison. You do have more freedom in movies like that because there are less constraints. You can tackle difficult subjects and that, I think, is important.”

What did you think about the fact two Truman Capote films were made at around the same time?
"We made, I think, a very beautiful movie. We made them at the same time and they both turned out. [This award recognition] is very important for everybody involved."

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