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Former Bond stuntman`s career ends after brutal attack

23-Apr-2007 • Bond News

A film stuntman's career is over following a brutal nightclub attack - reports the Manchester Evening News.

Wayne Docksey risked life and limb as a stunt double for the likes of James Bond star Sean Connery, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. In one dramatic ski scene, he chased 007 down a mountain with a machine gun. In Robin Hood Prince of Thieves he was shot in the head with a crossbow bolt.

But after an attack which left him with a blood clot the size of a fist in his brain, Mr Docksey, 55, says his daredevil life is finished.

He said: "I will never be able to do stunt work again. Aside from being hampered by my injury, I would not get insurance. I do hope to get back to my normal self physically, but that has yet to happen. It may take me a year, it may take two, it may never happen.

"The stunt work I did included falling off buildings, crashing through windows and crashing cars."

As reported in Saturday's M.E.N, Panacea owner Joe Akka was jailed for 13 months for the attack on Mr Docksey outside the trendy Manchester nightspot.

The court heard Mr Docksey was ejected from Panacea after he says he was falsely accused of blocking a staff gate flap at the bar. He was then attacked.

The court was also told Akka had been accused of kicking Mr Docksey in the head as he lay on the ground, but Judge Michael Henshell ruled there was no evidence and directed the jury to return a not guilty verdict. Akka, 31, then admitted a lesser charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm by punching Mr Docksey.

Akka, who has a previous conviction for wounding, was also ordered to pay his victim £10,000.

Mr Docksey, from Middleton, spent three months in hospital and had a 7in metal plate inserted in his head to replace a section of skull cut away to enable surgeons to operate on the blood clot. He is still unable to turn his head without pain because of a fracture in the top of his spine. He also suffers dizziness because of damage to his inner ear caused by a fractured skull.

He has had two seizures which doctors say could be epilepsy.

Following the case, Phil Burke of the Manchester Pub and Club Network, said of Akka: "We at the network absolutely condemn this man's actions. We hope that the authorities will act to ensure he cannot hold a licence again."

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