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Sir Sean Connery backs £6.5m for National Library of Scotland archive

26-Apr-2007 • Actor News

Sir Sean Connery yesterday explained how his love of books and reading had bolstered his confidence and self esteem "just as body building had", as he backed a new campaign to raise money to pay for a significant archive for the National Library of Scotland (NLS) - reports The Herald.

The actor has thrown his weight behind the NLS's public campaign to raise £6.5m so the library can complete the payment for the John Murray Archive.

Sir Sean visited the NLS in Edinburgh last year and read some of the contents of the archive, including a letter from Charles Darwin to Murray, his publisher, outlining proposals for Origin of Species and the manuscript of Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.

The Murray Archive was bought for £31m in 2005, and is a treasure trove containing more than 150,000 items penned by some of the greatest writers, politicians, scientists and explorers of the late 18th to early 20th centuries.

Sir Sean said: "You see, at five I first learnt to read I was astonished to find that the libraries were free. The fact I read them books, learning new words as I went along, increased my confidence and self-esteem just as body-building had done for me years before."

Martyn Wade, head of the NLS, said he was "particularly delighted" that Sir Sean had highlighted the archive's importance for what it represents - a resource for everyone.

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