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Real life James Bond`s meet for publicity stunt

14-May-2007 • Bond News

The name's Bond, James Bond. And so is his... and his... and his...

These are the real-life Bonds aged between 13 and 86, who swapped stories about sharing their name with the world's most famous spy when they met yesterday - reports Metro.

Among them was the 86-year-old Bond who tears up the streets in his mobility car with the number plate 007, or the 67-year-old Bond who left Pierce Brosnan speechless when he met the actor during filming.

One of the youngest Bonds is a 13-year-old schoolboy.

Despite the advantages of his name, which he shares with his father, he also faces day-today ribbing from his friends.

'They are always joking with me but I get used to it,' said the teenager, from Cheshire.

And James Bond, from Edmonton, North London, once spent the night in a cell after he was stopped by traffic police who did not believe his name.

'They would not let me leave until I could produce full documentation that my name really was James Bond,' said the 67-year-old.

'We had a laugh about it in the end,' he added.

But using Bond as a chat-up line? Forget it. 'You spend most of the time trying to convince girls that your name really is James Bond. It's a good icebreaker though,' one said.

The 15 Bonds were brought together by Virgin Media to promote the launch of the 007 back catalogue on its on-demand TV service.

In total, 169 James Bonds are on the electoral register in Britain.

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