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Daniel Craig reportedly involved in on-set accident

13-Jul-2007 • Actor News

According to the Daily Mail... Daniel Craig, who plays a character called Lord Asriel in "The Golden Compass" - which also stars Nicole Kidman, Eva Green, John Hurt and Kevin Bacon - was running through a cobbled street in the pouring rain in Oxford when he veered toward a rickshaw that was carrying the cameraman.

The rickshaw swerved to avoid the actor and the crew member tumbled out and crashed to the ground. He was immediately rushed to hospital, where he was treated for a series of broken bones.

A source revealed: "The poor guy had no chance. He was filming Daniel running down the street in a certain action scene.

"The poor guy was in agony and Daniel immediately went to help him, he could see he was very hurt indeed. He was scraped up quickly and an ambulance was called.

"Obviously such an incident would hold the making of the film up because it is the producers' priority that their staff are well."

The movie is in the final stages of being filmed now and 39-year-old Craig is set to begin working on his next project Flashbacks Of A Fool.

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