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Sir Roger Moore personnally annouces his autobiography

10-Oct-2007 • Actor News

Over the years it has been suggested, many times, that I should sit down and write my memoirs.

I never thought it would actually be of any interest, and so with that thought and a full workload I always had an excuse to politely decline!

However, my wife and children constantly say, in response to stories or anecdotes I share over the dinner table, that I should definitely write them down. Perhaps they're afraid that the onset of old age will cause me to forget them? Or perhaps, more correctly, they are right in reminding me that
I have known so many wonderful people, and experienced so many joys and good fortune in my life that I should share the tales. They assure me that people will be interested.

I'm not looking to dish dirt or recycle sleaze stories, goodness knows there is enough of that in the world; but rather I would like to write a warm, amusing, and maybe even slightly emotional volume that tells my story;
corrects some of the inaccuracies previously reported; offers an insight into the world of a jobbing actor and retired 007; and reflects my love of life. I may even be able inspire others to look at themselves, as I did in
1991 when I became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and realise that giving is far more rewarding, and helping those less fortunate is by far the most special thing you can do.

I think it will be fun. I'm looking forward to it. And remember, My Word Is My Bond ...

Sir Roger Moore KBE

Thanks to `GO` for the alert.

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