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Bond movies create secret service myth-conception

25-Nov-2007 • Bond News

The success of the James Bond movies has given the British Secret Intelligence Service a recruitment headache - too many cranks want to join MI6, according to an MI6 “secret squirrel”.

"I think it gives people a false impression of what working for the organisation is actually like," the head of MI6 recruitment, known only as "Mark", told BBC Radio One's Newsbeat program today - reports LiveNews.

"So it does tend to turn up quite a lot of thrill seekers and fantasists and we're really not interested in them."

As well as dismissing the notion that spying was a never-ending life of fast cars, fast women and “shaken not stirred” Martini cocktails, Mark was keen to demolish another myth surrounding MI6.

"We don't have a licence to kill - we don't carry Berettas - that's simply not true."

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