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Pierce Brosnan updates his fanclub on upcoming film schedule

17-Jan-2008 • Actor News

Pierce Brosnan has updated his official website with a letter to fans with news on his upcoming film schedule:

The first trailer for "Mamma Mia" is now playing in theaters. It is always a shock to see the work for the first time, even if it is in one-second shots. I hope the pure joy we felt while making the movie shines through.

Thomas Crown 2 is in full swing with various location scouts completed in Dubai, Berlin, and Istanbul. Paul Verhoeven is set to direct.

Before I set sail with the second installment of TC2..... I'm off to South Africa to make "Vanilla Gorilla," an adventure film about an albino gorilla that has the capacity to speak through sign language. It's the story of a father and daughter who find themselves on an adventure of a lifetime, as they try to restructure their relationship after the loss of their mother / wife. Visit the Gorilla Foundation Website at www.koko.org to find out more about these magnificent animals and in particular “Koko” who learned to speak using sign language. I would like to think that the film, apart from being exciting, funny, and tender, will shed some light on the urgent need for all of us who care about the animal kingdom, to speak out against the senseless slaughter of the great silver backs, the brutal killing of whales, and the mindless butchering of the tigers and elephants. (It is not, mind you, a film that beats you over the head with all of this.)

The script has been written by Craig Gardner and Terry Loane, who will direct. Terry, a fellow Irishman from Belfast, has also made a fantastic feature film about two young boys called "Mickybo and Me" you may wish to see. "Vanilla Gorilla" begins production in mid February.

"Married Life", an ensemble piece, written and directed by Ira Sachs and starring Christopher Cooper, Rachel McAdams, Patricia Clarkson and myself is due for release March 7th.

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