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Hotel fire alarm sees Sir Sean Connery out on the street

27-Jun-2008 • Actor News

He's more used to appearing in black tie on the red carpet, but Sir Sean Connery made a more dressed-down appearance after a late-night hotel fire scare.

The former James Bond star, who is in the Capital for the Edinburgh International Film Festival, was among guests at the Caledonian Hotel forced out on to the street after the alarm was sounded on Tuesday night - reports the Scotsman.

Sir Sean, who will launch his memoirs at the Edinburgh Book Festival in August, was with his wife and posed for pictures wearing a T-shirt and trousers.

Firefighters checked out the hotel and guests were allowed to return to their rooms after the incident turned out to be a false alarm. One hotel guest said: "He seemed fine about all the attention and was quite happy to let people take his picture.

"It was quite funny that in the middle of a fire alarm in a hotel, James Bond should emerge from the staircase. He looked a bit jaded – as we all did, to be honest."

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