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Roger Moore back in fine fettle after pace maker operation - causes a stir on the way to Cannes

22-May-2003 • Actor News

The official Roger Moore site have reported he is back in fine fettle after having a pace maker operation last week, and is off to the Cannes film festival:

Arriving at Heathrow for his flight to the Cannes Film Festival, 75-year-old Moore was fit and well enough to demand the star treatment. Deeming 20 minutes too long to wait for boarding, Moore waved an arm and was spirited as if by magic to the check-in.

"What a bloody disgrace!" bellowed a suit from the back of the queue. The famous schmoozer only raised an eyebrow, smiled and pushed his bags nonchalantly through the x-ray machine. He and wife Kiki were then driven out to the plane and lifted up on a small hydraulic platform to a separate door to other passengers, who were bussed to the plane.

But Moore redeemed himself with his charity work, asking passengers to donate to Unicef with an announcement over the plane`s tannoy beginning: "This is Moore. Roger Moore..."

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