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Opposition to controversial Project Pinewood scheme gathers pace

26-Sep-2008 • Bond News

A huge crowd turned out to hear the chairman of Iver Parish Council implore people to make their voices heard if they want to object to the controversial Project Pinewood scheme - reports the Buckinghamshire Advertiser.

More than 200 people gathered in Iver Heath Village Hall for a special meeting of Iver Parish Council which allowed them to state their opinions on the project, the plans of which were unveiled by Pinewood Studios last week.
If the idea were to be approved, it would see around 1,500 new homes and permanent film sets being build near to the Studios' current site in Iver Heath.

But at last night's meeting, worried residents spoke of their fears about the huge impact the scheme would have on their lives.

One resident said: "Living in Iver Heath, we are surrounded by green land and a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere. It is a lovely place to live but this plan will completely ruin the village. I think that a lot of people who love the village will move out if this development goes ahead and I will be one of them."

The meeting was held in response to Pinewood Studios' public exhibition which was held last week, in which they revealed that they have cut down on the amount of houses they had planned to build and on the amount of land they had earmarked to build upon.

However, villagers fear that the plans will still mean that existing infrastructure will not be able to cope and that it will put a huge strain on the area's resources.

The plans are due to be submitted to South Bucks District Council (SBDC) before the end of this year, but it is thought that the final decision will end up being made by the government as Pinewood try and prove the project is of "national importance."

Julian Wilson, chairman of Iver Parish Council, said: "We need as many people to write as possible, the more letters received, the bigger impact we will have. If this does end up going to the government for a decision, then they will take notice of the amount of objection in this area."

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