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Amusing tidbits from Sir Roger Moore`s autobiography

02-Oct-2008 • Actor News

UK newspaper Metro has plucked some choice tidbits from Sir Roger Moore's upcoming autobiography "My Word Is My Bond".

On accepting the James Bond role: 'Ah well,' I thought, 'if it goes wrong, I can always go back to modelling sweaters.'

On working with Grace Jones on A View To A Kill: Every day in her dressing room, she played very loud music. One day I marched into her room, pulled the plug out, then went back to my room, picked up a chair and flung it at the wall.

On working with Joan Collins and Tony Curtis on The Persuaders: Tony drove the truck to the starting point and Joan hopped in. 'You know what Joan,' he said, 'you're a c***.' The truck came to a halt and Joan shouted to the director: 'He called me a c***.' She refused to film any more, which is where I came in, to smooth things over.

On his Unicef charity work: A nun made an extraordinarily profound remark. 'It is strange,' she said. 'The world is talking about saving the rainforests but what is the use of a forest without children to live and play in it?'

On Croatia: In Dubrovnik, the first sign I saw was advertising a Bond film, which may have been the reason that a few years after, the Serbs were lobbing bombs at the Unesco World Heritage Site.

On Victoria Beckham: In walked five girls. I had no idea who they were but realised they must be the girl band. 'Would you send me a signed picture?' asked one. 'What's your name?' I asked. 'Victoria.' I felt such a fool when months later, the Spice Girls were chart-toppers.

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