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Being a fan of James Bond saved a teenager his life

02-Jun-2003 • Bond News

The Express & Star have reported that a teenager`s love of James Bond films saved his life after he caught fire following an accident with petrol.

Thirteen-year-old Mark Ellam, whose favourite Bond film is Die Another Day, dropped to the ground and rolled around like his hero to douse the flames. His quick-thinking - after a petrol spill from his scramble bike ignited - put out the flames which had burned his back and arms.

"When I caught fire the first thing I thought was to roll over because I had seen it in the James Bond films," he said. "I love the Bond films and my favourite is Die Another Day. It has not put me off scrambling, but I might need another bike."

The scene in which Bond rolls to extinguish flames on his back takes place in the bunker in "The World Is Not Enough".

Thanks to TheScurra for the alert.

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