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One minute with Sir Roger Moore

20-Oct-2008 • Actor News

One minute with... Roger Moore - Interview by Charlotte Cripps of The Independent.

Where are you?

Right now I am in Switzerland at my chalet, sitting in my office answering these questions.

What was the last film you saw?

Actually it was two days ago, on TV. The Eagle Has Landed. It stars Michael Caine, Donald Sutherland (both of whom I've worked with) and Robert Duvall. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie – a great story, well directed and with great performances. It reminded me a little of Went the Day Well, another wonderful film.

Who is your favourite director?

Not an easy question to answer! However, of those I never worked with, I would have to say David Lean. He was a genius and every frame of every film he made was perfect. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to work with him.

If you could have starred in one film, which would it be, and why?

Following on from my previous answer, I would say Lawrence of Arabia – if you've seen it you'll know why. I saw it when it first came out at the cinema with my business partner Bob Baker. We both looked at one another at the end and said: "We may as well give up now as we'll never come close to that!"

What distracts you from work?

Almost anything!

What did you want to be as a child?

A grown-up. My father was a policeman, a plan drawer, and he was fortunate in being able to work from home a lot of the time. That meant we could spend lots of time together during the day, and he would then work in the evenings. When asked what I would like to do for a job, I said I didn't want to work, I wanted to be a policeman like dad!

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Another tough question. I can't really answer, to be honest, except to say that I love all the Impressionists.

The film that changed your life is...

Live and Let Die, because it was the first of the seven Bonds I starred in, and it launched me to new heights – and gave me financial security. I'm very proud of my time as 007, and that was the film that started it all.

Who is your hero?

Nelson Mandela. Why? Because he showed the world how to forgive. He is a tremendous statesman and a wonderful, giving human being. I had the honour to meet him at the UN.

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