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60 second interview with Sir Roger Moore

26-Oct-2008 • Bond News

60 second interview with Sir Roger Moore by The Independent

I believe...The eyebrow gesture originated from me. I have three expressions: left eyebrow up, right eyebrow up, or both down.

All Bond movies are the same basic story – good versus evil that comes right in the end – except the sets get bigger.

I come number two on the James Bond list, which has never worried me. There's always somebody bigger, stronger and better-looking. Sean had a brand of toughness that Daniel Craig has and we other Bonds in between didn't.

One of the few times I was able to really act was in The Man Who Haunted Himself in 1970. I'm sort of sad I haven't taken more opportunities to do so, but I remember being given some advice once: "If you're offered two jobs on the same day, take the one that pays the most."

Being thrust on stage with no idea what's going on is my biggest fear as an actor. I have this recurring nightmare of an opening night: I can't find my dressing-room, and when I do, nobody will let me look at the script of the play.

My biggest life lesson came from a sports day my mum organised. I was entered into a race, and I was still running when the race had finished. When finally I got to the judge's stand, I stood in front of it until they gave me a bag of sweeties. So my theory throughout life has been: you don't have to win the race to get the bag of toffees. Just stand there long enough.

The most interesting thing about me is my wife. She is beautiful, kind, charming and she's herself.

It can be hard facing your own mortality. When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I had very painful treatment and I thought, "I don't want to go on the way things are." But that was then. I've been very lucky and very happy.

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